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Our breeding experiences

By John Snow.

Now, an exclusive scoop. Sent in by the man ‘himself’ JOHN SNOW. We have it before it goes on the ‘web’ or anywhere else for the matter. Another first C.A.D.A.S. thanks John.

In a recent issue our editor made serious request!!

Write about our breeding experiences (tropical fish that is).

Well I had in hand an article about a very rare colour morph in betta splendens. But now that I have photographs and fry, I have had to rewrite the article. I try not to put myself fore, as they say. The hobby, and my societies first, then maybe myself.

As most of you know I only breed and keep Siamese fighters (Betta splendens sp.). I have bed all but one colour morph, those known anyway, and most variations in finnage; The double tail, The crown tail, The cut tail, etc. But my main aim was the “ Tutweiler Butterfly” I am going to quote Walt Maurus, from his book “Bettas- a complete introduction”, page 102, Quote: -

‘Many hobbyists are often not aware of, or appreciative of the history that has contributed to their enjoyment of the hobby’.

Nor do authors often give credits where they are due and should be recorded. In “beautiful Bettas” by W.L. Whitern, credit is given to Mr Tutweiler of Florida for a truly spectacular butterfly betta.

It was Cambodian with fins divided between white and red, but in this case the white was closest to the body, so it was a Cambodia- white-red. This is a reverse of the pattern of butterfly betta seen today.

No record is given of this fish eve having passed on his characteristics. We can assume that we have lost this aberration; AS NOTHING EXISTS TODAY TO EQUAL IT’.

Well as you have just read, it seems this fish would be worth a fortune today. If you could find one. It has become “ The must have of the fish”

After seven years or more of trying I have finally red the above. Three males, one maybe two females, and yes the males are spectacular. (see photo).

I have bred the two best males to their sisters. First I mated the second best male and have fry, a good amount. I refrained from mating the best male first, because I needed photographs. This first pairing gave eggs on the 4th June 2003, fry on the 6th June 2003.

The hard part for me is I have a few months to wait, to see of they are like their parents, but as the parents are very young I will be able to breed the fry back to mother/father. This should give me better chance of “A” fixing the colour morph. “B” Getting quantity and “C” improving colour separation. *

The one difference I can see, in the three males at present, is that their body has not coloured up as in the Cambodian males, It ha stayed white, as the norm in female Cambodians.

As most betta splendens breeders consider this to be the ULTIAMTE colour morph.

What are these worth? And would it make a good “show fish” under federation rules?

I have NO help or sponsorship from the trade or manufacturers, but then again, nor have many others breeders of tropical fish.

Now that I have brought back to the hobby, a lost colour morph and a truly spectacular one at that, I may well be considered the best in my chosen discipline. It maybe the time to retire!! Who knows?

I am sorry that the colour plates show the white a blue, but they are white believe me. The photo’s where taken with one of those new computer cameras, but it shows the colour separation between body and finnage. But I still have a lot of work on this fish, if I carry on!!! (where have I heard that before. You can’t stop now after achieving this spectacular break through, firstly you would never forgive yourself and secondly nor would I for one. You are so close. Now finish the job, then retire if you have to!).

I must thank our new member Adrian Mercieca for his work over the weekend with his camera and computer.

Non tibi, Non mihi, Sed nois Not for me, Not for you, but for us. (Us = Hobbyists)

God bless

  • I’m sure John won’t mind me clarifying the question of the colour separation. The red patch on the caudal. Dorsal and anal fin should have a clean, complete white break between it and the body in all the median fins.

Well done mate, my mot sincere congratulations.

Remember all readers, you saw it first!

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