MALTA RABBIT CLUB Activities Report
Every now and then, the Club seeks to organize an activity specifically so that members can exhibit their rabbits and also learn as much as possible about a specific breed.
Yet it was a very interesting morning. To start with, the club President, Joseph Gauci Maistre, presented a paper, written by him self, about the Deilenaar breed. It was an article full of useful information, which all the members present absorbed with the utmost attention.
Afterwards there was the table shows. There was Deilenaar rabbits exhibited and about 19 Commercial rabbits. Whilst judging the rabbits our judge, the President himself, demonstrated the valuable qualities that a Deilenaar rabbit should have.
Whilst judging the Commercial breed the President explained to us that one of the most important factors to keep in mind with this particular breed was the weight of the rabbit. Then one had to seek out other meat-producing qualities.
These rather informal mornings are of great value for all the club members not only because they have the opportunity to exhibit their favourite rabbits but also because they have an open invitation to discuss all the technicalities with the judge himself there and then.
WINTER SHOW 9 & 10/12/2001
It is a regular appointment of each year to hold the Winter Show for the Malta Rabbit Club. This year’s Winter Show registered new records for the club; the number of exhibits and also on the number of visitors overcomed all previous records.
The Winter Show will be organized at the Nissen Huts, the club’s premises.
The judge, Joseph Gauci Maistre and his two assistants, Sharlo Camilleri and Kriss Debono, had a big job to commence because the general level of the exhibits was high. The results can be achieved on-line. An important point to note is that competitors fealth very happy with the results achieved and a sense of sportsmanship was fealth during the show.
A number of new members were registered with the club’s members list on those days.
All the local media gave sufficient space to this event because although it is not a major show, it was organized very, very well and it’s standard was very high. Some of the coverage can be seen on-line as well.
VIDEO MORNING 13/01/2002
Thanks to Albert and Joyce Micallef (two very active club members), on the 14th of January we relived the memorable experience of the San Anton Show 2000. It was a magnificent piece of work which the couple achieved and thanks to them the club member's thoroughly enjoyed that morning.
We met at the Nissen Huts at about half past nine in the morning, and after sipping a cup tea, the video began. It was recorded by Albert himself on his personal video camera. In a few words, the video included several aspects of the show, most important of all, the parts when the judge was doing his job. There were many breeds competing in different classes but Albert managed to include them all. After the show we enjoyed also the prize giving because it was included in the video as well.
It was a very nice morning which all the members appreciated. When the video ended, the couple sold not less than 10 copies of the cassette to the members present. A copy of the video, which I recommend to everyone, can still be bought, either by contacting the club via e-mail or by a letter to the club treasurer.
This year’s Annual General Meeting was held at the Malta Rabbit Club’s premises, the Nissen Hut, on Sunday 10th February at 10.30 a.m.
To start with, the Honorary Secretary read out the minutes of the last AGM and furthermore presented his detailed administrative report. The President then addressed the meeting. During his talk, he gave an overview of how he envisaged the Club would, or should, develop over the next year.
(Any member who wants a copy of the administrative or other reports is to put his request to the Honorary Secretary either by post or else directly via e-mail.)
Because there were 14 candidates nominated for the new committee, an election had to be held. (The committee for the prior year had been dissolved automatically, as per the statute, just prior to the call for nominations.) The candidates elected were: Joseph Gauci Maistre, Charles Agius, Sharlo Camilleri, Kriss Debono, Miriam Cutajar, Anthony Gatt, Felix Farrugia, Paul Spiteri and Andrew Muscat.
There were no co-opted members. (A co-opted member has all the qualities as a regular member but does note participate in the voting.)
MARCH SHOW 17/03/2002
It is a regular appointment on the early months of the year to hold the March Show for the Malta Rabbit Club. This year’s March Show registered new records for the club; the number of exhibits and also on the number of visitors overcomed all previous records.
The March Show will be organized at the Nissen Huts, the club’s premises. It was a sunny day, which encouraged the general public to attend this year’s show. There were several breeds on show, varying from giants to dwarf ones.
The judge, Joseph Gauci Maistre and his two assistants, Sharlo Camilleri and Kriss Debono, had a big job to commence because the general level of the exhibits was high. The results can be achieved on-line. An important point to note is that competitors fealth very happy with the results achieved and a sense of sportsmanship was fealth during the show.
Eleven new members registered with the club’s members list on that day. This show was sponsored by Borg Cardona ltd, whose managing director presented prizes on the same night.
All the local media gave sufficient space to this event because although it is not a major show, it was organized very, very well and it’s standard was very high. Some of the coverage can be seen on-line as well.
A week after the show, the club organized a get together pizza night at a local restaurant so that the participants, the winners, the organizers and the club members could celebrate the result obtained. This show was another step towards success !
Every now and then, the Club seeks to organize an activity specifically so that members can exhibit their rabbits and also learn as much as possible about a specific breed.
The last such event held was that of the 14th of April when a table show and lecture about the Thuringier breed and table show about the Commercial breed were organized at the premises of the Malta Rabbit Club, the Nissen Hut.
As expected there were not more than 15 exhibits. Yet it was a very interesting morning. To start with, the club President, Joseph Gauci Maistre, presented a paper, written by him self, about the Chinchilla Giganta breed. It was an article full of useful information, which all the members present absorbed with the utmost attention.
Afterwards there were the table shows. There were around five Thuringer rabbits exhibited and about 11 Commercial rabbits. Whilst judging the rabbits our judge, the President himself, demonstrated the valuable qualities that a Thuringer rabbit should have. Andrew Muscat was the winner. Congratulations to Andrew!
Whilst judging the Commercial breed the President explained to us that one of the most important factors to keep in mind with this particular breed was the weight of the rabbit. Then one had to seek out other meat-producing qualities.
These rather informal mornings are of great value for all the club members not only because they have the opportunity to exhibit their favourite rabbits but also because they have an open invitation to discuss all the technicalities with the judge himself there and then.
The main activity of the club is without doubt the Annual National Championship Rabbit Show which will be organized by the club on April/May of each year.
It is first of all point out the new record registered by the club, more than 450 rabbits participated. Several breeds were exhibited with more than 38 exhibitors participating. The show was organized at San Anton Gardens Attard.
The preparations began from the beginning of the year. A team of committee members arranged everything and took the responsibility of the advertising and promoting the show. A set of plans were arranged, several announcements on televisions and radios apart from newspapers. Fliers and posters were printed and distributed round Malta so that everybody would be informed with the show.
Another group took the responsibility of preparing cages and all the other equipment needed at San Anton for the show. Thanks to this group all the dirty work was excellently done and prepared on time.
Other clerical work, such as legal permissions, requests for sponsorships and technical requirements was done by another group of workers. All the work needed, was orchestrated very well and although the persons involved were left leaching out of breath, it was an unforgettable experience.
Souvenirs were on sale on both days of the show and could be still bought either from the club or on-line even from foreign people.
Thank god, both days were sunny. From seven in the morning, the exhibiters entered their rabbits and at eight the show opened for the general public.
The president of the club, Mr.Joe Gauci Maistre was this year's judge. He started his hard job at ten in the morning and finished at five in the after noon. His impressions were very positive and the level was described as high. The club members and particularly the committee wish to thank Joe for his help and dedication to respect our invitation.
The second day, Sunday, opened for the public at nine in the morning and till nine in the evening, together with the visitors on Saturday summed up to more than 5,400 adult visitors. Children do not count to this amount because they enter free of charge. Roughly it is an increase of more than 1400 visitors on last year’s show organized in the same place at the same time.
On Sunday at six in the evening, the prize giving ceremony was organized. Malta’s president Professor Guido DeMarco honored us with his presence and attended the prize giving. Professor Guido DeMarco gave the prizes.
The show closed at nine in the evening, but our experience will never die. Our club president, Mr. Joseph Gauci Maistre was satisfied with the success and described it as a huge success.
The committee wishes to thank everyone for his participation, staring from Malta’s President, the judge Mr.Joe Gauci Maistre, the visitors, the exhibitors and the club members. Looking at this year’s excellent result, we should stimulate ourselves for next year’s show.
One of the original activities which is organized by the Malta Rabbit Club since 1999, is the best of our favorites show. For this show, each and every member has to judge his rabbits at home, chose the best one and compete with other best rabbits of his friends. This year's show was organized as usual in the Malta Rabbit Club head quarters on the 14th of July.
There were various breeds, varying in color and size. The first prize was given to a New Zealand White Doe, of Mario Farrugia. The second place was given to a Castor Rex buck Kersten Farrugia, and the third place was given to Thuringer buck Andrew Muscat.
In the foreign section, the price was awarded to a Smoke Pearl Rex Buck owned by Anthony Gatt.
The judge was Mr.Joseph Gauci Maistre.
Donated by the Malta Rabbit club. visit Malta rabbit club website