Why species-specific feeding?
A range of feeds whose composition meets the natural requirements of fish as fully as possible makes a vital contribution to building up the fishes' resistance to diseases and parasites, when combined with suitable environmental conditions such as water quality etc. Varied and specific feeds also improve readiness to spawn.
Incorrect feeding, as well as causing possible damage to internal organs (e.g. fatty liver, inflammation of the intestines etc.), may also weaken the immune system and therefore enable potential disease carriers to attack the fish.
Fish which have been fed correctly according to their needs are able to cope very well with temporarily stressful situations without an outbreak of illness. For example, transport, temporary fluctuations in water values, handling in the tank etc. are all factors which can cause stress. We must however point out that even the best feeding cannot compensate for permanent stress, (e.g. constantly incorrect water values, incorrect association of species etc.) Fish kept incorrectly will sooner or later fall victim to disease!
Correct feeding of aquarium fish should always be combined with thoughtful design of the fishes' environment.