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Why does MAxi Adult 1 brings more energy than medium adult 1?

Theoritically, a large-breed dog requires less metabolizable energy per kg than a smaller one:

  • a 3 kg adult Yorkshire requires 100 kcal / kg and per day
  • a 17 kg adult Spaniel requires 65 kcal / kg
  • a 50 kg adult Bordeaux Mastiff requires less than 50 kcal / kg.

Consequently, the energetic level of the products intended to small, medium and large dogs respectively, should decrease progressively also. By the way, in the RCCI Size range, the product Mini Adult 1 has got a higher energetic density than Medium Adult 1 (4120 instead of 3920 kcal/kg). However, Maxi Adult 1 has got a higher energetic density than Medium, i.e 4140 kcal/kg. Why ? There are two main reasons to explain this choice:

  • the way of life of large-breed dogs, their activity,
  • their digestive performances.

Influence of the way of life on the energetic requirement

If a dog lives outdoor, he has to spend a lot of energy to maintain its internal body temperature. Well, large-breed dogs often spend most of their time outside: watching dogs, hunting dogs… If the external temperature drops from 15°C down to 8°C, the energetic requirement of a dog that lives outdoor increases of 25 %. Of course, the thermic regulation has more or less influence according to the length of the hair: a Great Dane is more sensitive to temperature differences than a Newfoundland… Physical activity also makes the energy expense rise: a dog that works more than two hours a day spends additional calories, depending on the type of work and the stress it is submitted to.

Then, compared to its theoritical energy requirement (estimated for a temperature of 20°C°), the daily energy expense of a large breed dog is usually way higher.

Characteristics of large-breed dog's digestive tract

Large-breed dogs have a relatively smaller digestive tract that medium and small dogs: down to 2,5 times smaller relatively to their size. Large-breed dogs also have a smaller digestive tract compared to other animals of equivalent weight.

Then, the relatively weak digestive capacity of large breed dogs would be responsible for some digestive troubles often noticed in these animals:

  • frequent defecation,
  • loose and/or watery stools,
  • episodic diarrhea,
  • lower digestibility results compared to other dogs…

As the volume of the digestive tract is relatively small, digestive abilities are even more easily overcome when the meal is bulky. The more the dog eats at once time, the lower the digestibility is, and the less formed stools are.

To be able to supply enough energy to adult large-breed dogs without exceeding their digestive ability, it is necessary to limit ingested quantities during each meal. It implies to supply them a high-digestibility food, with a pretty high energetic density. It is also recommended to split the daily ration in two meals.

Choosing a high-digestible food, rich in energy, is in favour of the prevention of the stomach bloat. This accident is a constant threat over large-breed dogs. By limiting the volume of the meals, chronic dilatation is prevented. Additional safety measures can be advised:

  • rehydration of the food before distribution in order to accelerate stomach emptying,
  • avoid competition during the meals,
  • respect a resting period after the meals.


The energetic concentration of Maxi adult 1 is rised to take into account the fact that large-breed dogs often spend most of their time outside. This energetic concentration allows to diminish the volume of the meals which is in favour of a good digestive tolerance.

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