My pet: Max the Persian Cat
by Mariana Spiteri
My pet is a cat. It is male. Its name is Max. It is a Persian cat. The colour of its fur is golden brown. Its eyes are golden too. He was born on the 30th of May 1999. Max is 2 years old. His weight is 4 kilos. He likes to eat Yams and drink water. He is asleep all the time; he’s a very lazy cat. He likes to play with balls of string. On Sunday I take him with me to the cats’ club. Max has a long nice tail. It is very bushy. Its mother’s name is Nikita. Max has three brothers. When he was a baby the colour of his eyes were different. Max is a happy and friendly cat and that’s why I like him a lot.

Most cats will reach about 11 or 12 years of age. Some make it up to 18 and very few to 20 and beyond. Much of this will depend on whether or not a cat is kept indoors or allowed outdoors. Outdoor cats have live up to 8 years of age and indoor only cats quite often reach 15 years or more.
According to the general provisions of the standard, the body can be from 40 to 50cm long, preferably on the long side, with the tail measuring from 25 to 3Ocm in length. Height at the shoulder is about 3Ocm. All Persians/longhairs must have a massive body with strong musculature on a sturdy skeleton. The ‘setting’ of the body is even more important than the majesty of the coat. The legs should be short and muscular with large feet.
You can take care of your cat by:
- Not letting it stray outside.
- Keeping its box as clean and hygenic as possible.
- Giving it adequate food and plenty of water or milk.
- Washing your cat regularly every week.
- Taking it to the vet for a checkup once a year.

Donated by Mariana Spiteri