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Soon, the RCFI range will be lifted and completed. First, let us look at the improvements brought to the formulation of the already existing products.

Fit 32

Smaller croquettes

The croquettes keep their ring-shape, but they become smaller, in order to be more easily caught by the cats.

A new source of fats: fish oil

All the RCFI products will benefit from this supply in omega 3 fatty acids, whose positive effect on the hair is well-known (cf question/answer n° 84).

Micronized fibers

In the future RCFI products, all fibers will be ground into very fine particles of 250 micrometres of diameter:

  • to obtain a smoother aspect of the croquettes
  • to increase the surface of absorption of the water in the digestive tract, which is in favour of the production of well-formed stools.

Slim 37

Fish oil supply

Micronized fibers + a new source of fibers, pea fiber

It will partially take the place of corn fiber in the high-fiber produts. Actually, corn fiber is sometimes contaminated by a mycotoxin, zearalenone, that can be dangerous when present in large quantity. Of course, the microbiological of the corn is carefully checked, but limiting its rate of incorporation is safer. Corn and pea fibers have an equivalent chemical composition.

Carnitine enrichment

Carnitine is indispensable to the fatty acids to be used by the cells (cf question/answer n° 72). In case of caloric restriction, it encourages the body to burn fats instead of muscles.

Sensible 33

Smaller croquettes

The croquettes keep their shape (stars + triangle), but become smaller.

Supply of fish oil, but withdraw of borage oil

What is important here, it is the anti-inflammatory role of omega 3 fatty acids in the digestive tract. Because, from now on, Sensible 33 will be advised to cats that have a digestive sensitivity (or who have a fussy appetite). But borage oil will be present in Special Persan et Hair, both products that will be advised in any case of skin/ hair sensitivity.

Micronized fibers

Supply of fructo-oligosaccharides or FOS

FOS are there for the balance of the digestive flora, to increase again the digestive security (cf question/answer n° 86).

Senior 28

Two new sources of fats

  • Pork fat: it is a source of unsaturated fatty acids, halfway between poultry fat, highly unsaturated, and beef fat, saturated. The palatability results obtained with pork fat are excellent, and the oxidation risk is lower than with poultry fat. So the using security is better.
  • Fish oil : to fight against the deterioration of skin and hair aspect in older cats.
Micronized fibers

Supply of potassium citrate

Potassium citrate aims at maintening a urinary pH close to the neutrality, to prevent from the formation of oxalates calculi, more frequent in older cats. Senior 28 will induce a urinary pH between 6,5 and 7.

Kitten 34

Smaller croquettes

The croquettes keep their star-shape, but become smaller.

Two new sources of fats

  • Pork fat
  • Fish oil: here, we take into account the important requirement in omega 3 fatty acids of the kitten for the development of its nervous system.

Micronized fibers

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